Friday, September 4, 2009

So many thoughts... no personal time.

I really would like to tell you about a book I read called the Noticer, in fact I started a "book report" post about a month ago still hanging out in the draft section...
I like to also tell you about the cabin we are building out of scrap material, and how awesome it is, with pictures!
I also would like to start sewing some aprons, in an attempt to make some Christmas money... Yes I said it. Christmas!! Christmas, christmas....
About the fact the preteen has a boyfriend, and hubby is having chest pains.
I am even considering not using birth control... But for the LOVE do not tell anyone, because everyone (my mother) would think I was completely crazy, and I'll probably just tell her it was an accident! Well how about that, I am the .01% that got prenant... tee hee hee
I probably am crazy considering that my last post mentioned that we qualify for free/reduced lunch... But hubby goes back to work Oct 6th, and we'll be gettign real paychecks then.
Oh an in reference to the bok I mentioned, my attempt to start trying to change some things about myself... like judging, and following through with my intentions... but more on that later.
So I used to blog every morning... but hubby is not working right now, so I am not alone with my thoughts... my thoughts and I are very very modest... we don't like anyone looking over my shoulder as they are revieled... So here I am at work, and everyone is at lunch, and me being the crazy rebel that I am... well, I decided to blog.

Oh HEY, Did I tell you? My house in Florida FINALLY SOLD!!!! It was a short sale, but no foreclosure me me... WOO HOO Baby!!!


  1. woohoo..on selling the house.....on hubby's new job....on finding time to read....on sneaking in some blog time...

    not so much on his chest pains...i'll be praying for him (and you)... =D

  2. Whoa! There's a lot going on in your life right now. Any chance hubby's chest pains are in direct relation to the fact that preteen A has a boyfriend? I'm just kidding, but has he seen a doctor?

    Congrats on the sale of the house and your hubs new job! Very good news. I'd love to hear more about (and see pictures of) your cabin made of scrap materials. How cool is that?

    And I can totally relate to not being able to blog when someone looking over my shoulder. Blogging is a private endeavor (even if everyone in the household reads the posts once their published). I get it!

  3. Don't even think about blogging when Hubs is looking over your shoulder. . .

    And don't even think about not using birth control until we have discussed it ad nauseum. . . you can't make a decision like that without consulting the blog-o-sphere!
