Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Girls go to college to get more knowledge

So... Hubby came home from work, we had a civilized conversation, I told him that I hadn't done his laundry and felt like a total bad @ss because of that little act of rebellion...

Then I came after him with a golf club, and he ran out of the house and jumped in the car and ran into a tree to I smashed in the REAR window to get in and pull him out... oh wait, that wasn't me... lol just kidding there tiger...

So we are all good, and I took little P to girl scouts and when I returned home...

The dog had been washed
The living room cleaned and vacuumed
Dinner put away
dishes done
laundry (mine) put away
shower scrubbed...

I would like to declare that little act of rebellion...


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